14 DECEMBER 2020, 14.00 (Sydney time)
Are you a Higher Degree by Research Student or an Early Career Researcher? Would you like to learn more about how to get funding for your research projects?
In this event, moderated by Dr Celeste Rodriguez Louro, panellists A/Prof. Ilana Mushin, A/Prof. Felicity Meakins, Dr John Mansfield, Dr Maia Ponsonnet and Dr Ruth Singer will briefly present their own experiences on the journey to being funded through the Australian Research Council (ARC). The panel will end with questions and informal discussion with the audience.
This is an exclusive NEXT GEN event for HDR students and ECRs. Registration at the ALS 2020 conference automatically gives you access to this panel, which will take place live over Zoom. It will NOT be recorded, so be sure to mark your diaries!
Why is it important to reflect on funding (Answer: because it helps you prepare).
14:00 Celeste Rodriguez Louro (ARC DECRA Fellow; University of Western Australia)
What does the Australian Research Council fund and why?
14:10 Ilana Mushin (ARC College of Experts; University of Queensland)
What makes a successful project?
14:25 John Mansfield (ARC DECRA Fellow; University of Melbourne)
What do assessors expect from someone’s track record?
14:35 Felicity Meakins (ARC Future Fellow, University of Queensland)
Two key ingredients to a winning grant application
14:45 Maia Ponsonnet (ARC DECRA Fellow; University of Western Australia)
Crafting a project with community at its core
14:55 Ruth Singer (ARC Future Fellow; University of Melbourne)
The Future of Academia
15 DECEMBER 2020, 16.00 - 17.00 (Sydney time), right before the AGM
Where is academia headed in the next decade and beyond? How can we organise ourselves to face these challenges?
Join Prof. Alan Dench (Provost, Curtin University), Dr Sally Dixon (Lecturer, University of New England), Prof. Gerry Docherty (Dean/Research, Arts, Education and Law, Griffith University), and Prof. Lesley Stirling (Head, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne) as they discuss the future of academia. Moderated by A/Prof. Robert Mailhammer (Associate Dean/Research, Dean’s Unit, Western Sydney University), this panel will tackle some of the following questions:
- What are universities for? Who are they for?
- What is the role of disciplines such as Linguistics in the future university?
- How does the academy or a discipline replicate itself? Should it replicate itself?
- Who gets to decide on these questions and why?
- How can Linguistics as a discipline position itself in such contested and rapidly changing landscape?
This panel will take place live. The live event will not be recorded so please mark your diaries. This event is open to all conference delegates.
Prof. Alan Dench (Provost, Curtin University)
Dr Sally Dixon (Lecturer, University of New England)
Prof. Gerry Docherty (Dean/Research, Arts, Education and Law, Griffith University)
Prof. Lesley Stirling (Head, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne)
A/Prof. Robert Mailhammer (Associate Dean/Research, Dean’s Unit, Western Sydney University)