Call for Papers: ALS2021, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 7-9 Dec 2021

The annual conference of the Australian Linguistic Society will be held online, hosted by La Trobe University, from Tuesday 7th December to Thursday 9th December 2021. The fifth Language Variation and Change – Australia workshop (LVC-A 5) will be held concurrently on Monday 6th December and Tuesday 7th December.

We invite submissions from all fields of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics for presentations in the general sessions (20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions), for posters, and for presentations within one of the following organised sessions (descriptions linked from each session name):

Organised Session Organisers
Australian Indigenous children’s language/s Lucy Davidson, Rebecca Defina, Jill Wigglesworth
Australian Indigenous Languages in Education Megan Wood, Emma Browne
Decolonisation, Inclusion and Collaboration in Linguistics Lesley Woods, Jakelin Troy, Ruth Singer, Celeste Rodríguez Louro, Felicity Meakins, Alice Gaby
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism and Multilingualism Jae-Hyun Kim, Nan Xu Rattanasone
Language Acquisition in the Australian Context Iain Giblin, Loes Koring
Linguistic Landscapes: Languages, Materialities and Identities Nhan Phan, Jessica Velásquez Urribarrí, Xiaofang Yao
Linguistics in the School Curriculum: Improving Student Outcomes Iain Giblin, Clarence Green

Abstracts deemed to be outside the scope of the relevant organised session will be reviewed by the ALS program committee and considered for inclusion in general sessions.

We strongly encourage a poster submission if your dataset lends itself well to graphical presentation, in-depth personal discussion.

Abstract Submissions

All abstract submissions have been extended to 11:59pm on Monday 30th August 2021. Abstracts for the regular talks and poster presentations will be anonymously reviewed by the ALS Program Committee. Acceptances will be notified by mid-September.

Each abstract must be a maximum of one A4 page of text, including title. The abstract may also include one additional A4 page of examples, figures, tables and references. Each abstract should be a single file in Word (*.doc, *.docx) or PDF (*.pdf), in Times New Roman 12-point font, with 2 cm on all margins. On the additional page, 10-point font may be used. The abstract must be anonymous and should not include any author names or affiliations.

Each abstract should be submitted online via the ALS2021 EasyChair website (if you do not have an EasyChair account, you will have to create one):

As part of the EasyChair online submission form, you will be asked to supply author name(s) and affiliation(s), presentation title, keywords and topics, your preferred presentation type (oral or poster presentation) and mode of delivery (online or in-person) and which organised session, if any, you would like to present within. You will also need to upload your abstract as an anonymous Word or PDF file.

Abstract Review Criteria

Each abstract will receive a general overall evaluation. The program committee will also consider the degree to which each abstract:

  • situates the study within its research context and demonstrates a clear theoretical, methodological and/or practical contribution to the field;
  • coherently articulates its topic and objectives;
  • outlines the data being analysed and how it will be analysed; and
  • is of potential interest to an ALS audience.

Further Information

For further information and updates please see the ALS website  or send an email to the ALS2021 Conference team:

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