Donate to ALS


In response to feedback from members and the broader community, ALS is establishing a mechanism for donating to specific ALS funding schemes each year. In response to feedback, ALS has identified the Jalwang Scholarship and the Barb Kelly Prize as suitable schemes for philanthropic support. Information on these schemes is given below. Members and others who wish to support ALS activities, please click on "Donate" button on the top or bottom and follow instruction to donate online. If you have any furtehr queries, please contact the ALS Treasurer Rob Mailhammer at

(Note: although ALS is a not-for-profit organization, we do not yet have Deductible Gift Recipient status. We are currently in the process of obtaining DGR status.)

Jalwang Scholarship

The Jalwang Scholarship was established in 2016 by a charitable donation from a donor who wished to support the development of research outcomes into community oriented materials focused on responding to community priorities for language and cultural purposes. The five year commitment of support from the original donor has now concluded. The purpose of the Scholarship is to support linguists to give back to community by converting some of the grantee’s research into materials of benefit to the language speakers, for example by producing community materials in the language or engaging in language maintenance or revitalisation activities. The award prioritizes supporting ALS member researchers who have less access to funding and resources than established academics, including but not limited to community members, Indigenous linguists, and postgraduate students. The name jalwang is the word for the currawong in the Yugambeh language of Southeast Queensland.

Barb Kelly Prize

The Barb Kelly Prize was established in 2023 to recognize the most outstanding PhD or MA (Research) thesis in any area of linguistics, to complement the more specific focus of the Michael Clyne Prize, and was named in honour of the late Australian linguist Barb Kelly. The applicant’s thesis must have been passed or the degree awarded at an Australian university in the previous year. The winner is awarded a $1,000 cash prize and contribution of up to $500 to cover costs for the recipient to attend the annual ALS conference to present a paper on their thesis research.


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