Ilana Mushin, The University of Queensland (Area Chair, Semantics/Pragmatics)
Ilana Mushin is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Queensland and a past President of ALS (2017-2022). Her research interests concern the relationships between grammar, culture, cognition and social interaction, especially in the management of knowledge asymmetries across languages. She also specialises in the description and typology of Australian languages.
James Walker, La Trobe Universiy (Area Chair, Historical Linguistics/Sociolinguistics)
James Walker is Professor of Linguistics at La Trobe University. He is an internationally recognised expert in the study of sociolinguistic variation and change, with interests in multilingualism, language contact and ethnicity. He has studied variation at all levels of language in English (Australia, Canada, the Caribbean), Sango (Central African Republic), Swedish and Brazilian Portuguese.