2019 ALS Annual Conference
Our annual conference ALS 2019 will be held at the Macquarie University in Sydney, December 11-13, 2019.
Important Dates
- Deadline for abstract submissions: closed
- Conference registrations open: Monday 23 September
- Early bird registration cut off date: Sunday 20 October
- Deadline for presenters to confirm their membership with ALS: Sunday 20 October
- Conference registrations close: Sunday 24 November
- Conference dinner registrations close: Sunday 24 November
- Pre-conference workshops: Tuesday 10 December
- Conference Welcome Reception (drinks and light canapés provided): Tuesday 10 December
- Main conference: Wednesday 11 December - Friday 13 December
- ALS AGM: Thursday 12 December
- Conference Dinner (bookings essential): Thursday 12 December
- Program: TBA
Connect before the conference
Last year, we trialed a system that allows new ALS attendees the chance to be put in touch with someone who knows the conference well. We would like to repeat it this year. You'll be put in contact before the conference, and can arrange to meet for a coffee while there. This means you'll have one extra familiar face while in Sydney.
If you're a first time ALS attendee, or are from a campus with low ALS attendance, and would like to be put in touch with someone, let us know when you register.
If you're a regular ALS attendee and would be happy to be put in touch with someone ahead of the conference, let us know when you register.
For inquiries regarding the conference, please send an email to the organising team at the Macquarie University: conf@als.asn.au
The ALS has a Code of Conduct. This code applies to all ALS events including the Annual Conference.