CoEDL Masterclasses
Date: 10 – 11 December, 2021
The Centre of Exellence on the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL) is offering a two-day series of Summer Master Classes in 2021, to showcase some of the work that CoEDL has enabled since its inception in 2014, and to share with the linguistics community methodological developments, theoretical advances and tools that CoEDL has developed or has helped make available. The Summer Master Classes involve eight, three-hour sessions, drawing on expertise from across Centre, and representing the multidisciplinary breadth of CoEDL’s research. They are directed to participants of diverse levels, from advanced undergraduate students through to senior academics, and with varying degrees of background knowledge. This event will be offered online. Click here to see more details.

Click here to view full course information. Instructor profiles are available here.
The online registration to the Masterclasses has been closed now. If you have any enquiries about the Masterlcasses, enrolment and access links, please contact