Yoshiyuki Asahi is associate professor of sociolinguistics in the Department of Research at National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. He completed his PhD at Osaka University in 2004. He works on language variation and change in Japanese, and he investigates dialect contact situations in a number of locations including new town, Hokkaido, Sakhalin, Hawai`i as well as real- time studies in honorifics at Okazaki. He is the author of Saharin-ni nokosareta nihongo Karafuto hōgen [A Japanese dialect of Karafuto in Sakhalin, Russia] (Meiji Shoin, 2012), Nyūaun kotoba no keisei-ni kansuru shakaigengogakuteki kenkyū (Hituzi Syobo, 2008), and the editor of Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics (de Gruyter Mouton, 2022), Japanese sociolinguistics illustrated: New Edition (Hituzi Syobo, 2021), Amerika Hawai nikkei shakai no rekishi to gengo-bunka [History, Language and Culture of Japanese communities in Hawaii and the mainland US] (Tōkyōdō, 2015).