Linguistics in the School Curriculum (LiSC), Special Interest Group

LiSC was established at the ALS AGM in 2016. Our terms of reference include to

  • bridge the gap between the Australian school education system and linguistics in tertiary education
  • explore, support and pursue ways in which linguistics can advance knowledge about language in F-12 education, from macro (e.g. national and state policy and curriculum) to micro (e.g. classroom materials and professional development), including engagement activities supported by the ALS (e.g. [] and the Linguistics Road Show []).

Our areas of focus are

  • National/State English education in the k-12 system, including Victoria VCE English Language
  • National/State Aboriginal and Heritage Languages in the k-12 education system

Our panel at the annual ALS conference provides

  • presentations showcasing and critically evaluating ways in which language and linguistic awareness are incorporated into the Australian curriculum and teacher education, both initial and on-going
  • examining the types of research findings that could be useful and informative for teaching professionals and the challenges in disseminating such findings in an accessible way, and/or exploring ideas for on-going collaborative projects between teaching professionals and academic linguists; and
  • a forum for continuing to build a network of academic linguists and teaching professionals who can effectively join together to serve their common interests.

LiSC Panels at the ALS Annual Conference

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