Conference Program

Please click here to download the full conference booklet and program. You will receive a hardcopy when you check in at the registration desk at the conference. 

Conference Abstracts

Please click here to download the conference abstracts (no hardcopy will be provided in the interest of protecting the environment)

Tuesday 10 December
10:30 - 11:00

Registration desk opens
Location: MSGM

11:00 - 16:30

Pre-conference Workshop 1
Language Variation and Change - Australia 4 (LVC-A 4), Day 1: Sociophonetics 
Organised by Celeste Rodriguez Louro, Catherine Travis & James Walker
Location: Room 267, MGSM

11:00 - 11:30

Ksenia Gnevsheva, Anita Szakay & Sandra Jansen
Accommodation in a cross-dialectal shadowing task

11:30 - 12:00

Joshua Penney, Felicity Cox & Anita Szakay
Is glottalisation conditioned by following phonetic environment in AusE?

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:30

Elena Sheard, Catherine Travis & James Grama
Vowel change over the lifespan in Australian English: Sydney speaks forty years on

13:30 - 14:00

Casey Ford & Cara Penry Williams
Age and gender-based patterning of /t/t-realisations in Australian English

14:00 - 14:30

Sean Boylan, Anita Szakay & Felicity Cox
/s/-retraction in the /stɹ/ onsets in Australian English

14:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:30

Chloé Diskin, Deborah Loakes & Josh Clothier
Variability in cross-language and cross-dialect perception: How Irish and Chinese migrants process Australian English vowels

15:30 - 16:00

Gerard Docherty, Simon Gonzalez & Paul Foulkes
The realisation of unstressed KIT vowels in the conversational speech of young people from Perth

16:00 - 16:30

James Grama, Ksenia Gnevsheva, Jennifer Hay, James Brand, Simon Gonzalez, Debbie Loakes, Gerry Docherty, Elena Sheard, Paul Foulkes, Chloe Diskin, Katie Drager, James Walker & Catherine Travis
Just a word: Sound change at the level of the word across dialects

13:00 - 17:00

Pre-conference workshop 2 
Interactive Discourse Markers
​Organised by Pam Peters & Kate Burridge 
Location: Room 167, MGSM

13:00 - 13:30

Loy Lising
Interactive discourse markers used by Philippine university students in an online discussion

13:30 - 14:00

Tobias Bernaisch
Nativisation of discourse markers in the pragmatic repertoires of Sri Lankan adults

14:00 - 14:30

Pam Peters
Terms of address in contemporary Indian English discourse on the internet

14:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:30

Kate Burridge & Izzy Burke
The pragmatics of "a bit" in different contexts of communication

15:30 - 16:00

Loy Lising
Intersubjective discourse markers from Maori found in ICE-NZ

16:00 - 16:30

Minna Korhonen & Adam Smith
Interactive discourse markers edited out of Australian Hansard records


Pre-conference Workshop 3
Typical and atypical language development in the multilingual and multicultural context
Organised by Weifeng Han& Chris Brebner
Location: Room 248, MGSM

13:00 - 13:30

Nan Xu Rattanasone, Benjamin Davies, Katherine Demuth
Bilingual preschoolers’ comprehension of L2 English: 4-year-olds show emerging understanding of plural grammar

13:30 - 13:50

Sarah Verdon
Bilingual advantage? The academic and social-emotional outcomes of Australian bilingual primary school children

13:50 - 14:10

Wendy Pearce & Kieran Flanagan
Associations among oral narrative language measures for Indigenous and non-Indigenous children in their first year of school

14:10 - 14:30

Xin Wang
The role of lexical tone in bilingual language processing

14:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:30

Jane Lai, Angel Chan, Anita Wong, Franklin Chang & Evan Kidd
Relative clause production in Cantonese-speaking children with and without Developmental Language Disorder

15:30 - 15:50

Alice Chik
Multilingualism in school: starting points and teaching challenges

15:50 - 16:10

Yang Zhao
A Study on Multilingual Education in Chinese Universities

16:10 - 16:40

Ghil’ad Zuckermann


Pre-conference Workshop 4
Teaching Linguistics in Australian Universities
Organised by Nick Wilson
Location: Room 147, MGSM

13:00 - 13:30

Jacqueline Cook
Teaching introductory linguistic concepts

13:30 - 14:00

Sally Dixon
Seeing how the sausage is made: reflections on the pedagogical and research outcomes of involving students in sociolinguistic research

14:00 - 14:30

Loy Lising
“How to catch contract cheating!”: Utilising forensic linguistics to determine academic integrity

14:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:30

Iryna Khodos
Teaching transferrable critical and analytical thinking skills in an introductory sociolinguistics course

15:30 - 16:00

Nick Wilson
Co-created reusable learning objects as a resource for student-led teaching

16:00 - 16:30

The future of Linguistics in Australian Universities: Open Discussion

17:00 - 19:00

Welcome reception 
Walanga Muru pavilion, Macquarie University, with drinks and canapés 

Wednesday 11 December
08:00 - 09:00
Registration desk opens
Location: 29 Wally’s Walk
09:00 - 09:30
Official welcome
Location: T1 Theatre, 29 Wally's Walk
09:30 - 10:30

James Stanford, Dartmouth College 
Sociolinguistic trios, quartets, and ensembles: New compositions for the Meyerhoffian Symphony
Location: T1 Theatre, 29 Wally’s Walk

10:30 - 11:00
Location: MGSM
11:00 - 17:00

Panel 1
Language Variation and Change – Australia 4 (LVC-A 4), Day 2
Organised by Celeste Rodríguez Louro, Catherine Travis & James Walker
Location: Room 267, MGSM

11:00 - 11:30

Keynote: Nick Evans
Wellsprings of Linguistic Diversity: Incorporating variation into language documentation

11:30 - 12:00

Alex Marley
Language variation and change in Aboriginal Australia: Word-initial engma deletion in Bininj Kunwok

12:00 - 12:30

Carmel Oshannessy, Kirsten Culhane, Kalyan Siva & Emma Browne
Language maintenance and chnage in morphophonology in four Warlpiri communities

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:00

Debbie Loakes & Adele Gregory
Initial observations of voice quality in L1 Aboriginal English: A phonetic analysis

14:00 - 14:30

Greg Dickson
Geographic variation in Kriol: The quotative and exemplifier 'lagijat' (like that)

14:30 - 15:00

Celeste Rodriguez Louro & Glenys Collard
Yarnin’ the blackfella way: Quotation in urban Aboriginal English

15:00 - 15:30


15:30 - 16:00

Miriam Meyerhoff, Alexandra Birchfield, Elaine Ballard, Catherine Watson & Helen Charters
The linguistic nature of New Zealand English relative clauses: Semantics and history as the basis for synchronic variation

16:00 - 16:30

Benjamin Purser, Catherine Travis & James Grama
Social class in Australia: Constructing meaningful grouping for real time vowel analysis

16:30 - 17:00

Discussion and closing

11:00 - 12:30

Parallel sessions
Stream 1: Morphology/syntax
Location: Room 167, MGSM
Bill Palmer
Participant number versus subject agreement. A case study in Kunama (Nilo-Saharan)
Matthew Carroll
Syntactic Ergativity in Ngkolmpu
Daniel Krauße & Mark Harvey
Adverbial modification in Wagiman

Stream 2: Semantics
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka & Gian Marco Farese
The conceptual semantics of “money words”: money, buy, pay, (it) costs.
Helen Bromhead
The water come in a burst: A semantically-enhanced discourse analysis of 2010 Queensland Floods witness accounts
Karlina Denistia, Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan and R. Harald Baayen
Distributional Semantics Models on the Indonesian Prefixes PE- and PEN-

Stream 3
Location: Room 147, MGSM
Annabelle Lukin
How international war law makes violence legal: a case study of the Rome Statute
Mai Abualsamh
A cross-cultural comparison of advice-giving strategies by native speakers of Australian English and Saudi Arabic
Catriona Malau & Amy Dewar
Change and variation in the possessive systems of two Vanuatu Polynesian Outliers

12:30 - 13:30
Location: MSGM
13:30 - 17:00

Panel 2
Linguistics & Teaching Professionals
Organised by Jean Mulder
Location: Room 147, MGSM

13:30 - 14:00

Anna Filipi
Applying conversation analysis: A focus on teacher education

14:00 - 14:30

Kirli Saunders 
The Poetry in First Languages (PIFL) program 

14:30 - 15:00

Daniel Midgley
Building the Curriculum

15:00 - 15:30


15:30 - 16:00

Annelise Balsamo
VCE English Language: Linguistics and the senior secondary classroom

16:00 - 16:30

Jean Mulder & Caroline Thomas
Assessing VCE English Language Nearly Twenty Years On

16:30 - 17:00

Jean Mulder
LiSC Special Interest Group Meeting

13:30 - 15:00
Parallel sessions
Stream 4: Morphosyntax
Location: Room 167, MGSM
Joe Blythe, Jeremiah Tunmuck, Péter Rácz & Alice Mitchell
Murrinhpatha speaking children's acquisition of sibling-inflected verbal morphology
Stephen Morey & Harley Dunolly-Lee
New findings on the morphosyntax of the languages of the Melbourne area
Bruno Olsson & Matthew Carroll
Syntactically relevant morphology: The Coastal Marind fourth Gender
15:00 - 15:30
Location: MSGM
15:30 - 17:00

Parallel sessions
Stream 4: Morphosyntax (continued)
Location: Room 167, MGSM
William Lane and Steven Bird
Computational Modelling of Verbal Morphology in a Polysynthetic Language
Katie Bicevskis
Pronominal number neutralisation in Marri Ngarr
John Mansfield
Lexicalisation in Murrinhpatha polysynthetic verbs

Stream 5
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Felicity Meakins, Caitlin Zipf & Rob Pensalfini
Bidirectional verb borrowing between Jingulu and Mudburra
Connor Brown & Carmel O'Shannessy
A description of reciprocity and reflexivity in Light Warlpiri
Sasha Wilmoth & Rachel Nordlinger
Case-marking and nominal structure in Pitjantjatjara

17:00 - 18:30

Poster session & Book launches
Location: E7A Atrium, 12 Wally’s Walk
with drinks and canapés  


Xiaolan Cao & Yizhou Wang
An acoustic study of citation tones of Southern Pinghua (Sinitic, Wucun Dialect)

Jie Chen & Scott Barnes
Giving information in cosmetics sales interactions: Exploring some interactional functions of the Mandarin response token dui

Maria Chisari
Using ‘they’ as singular pronoun: Celebrating diversity in academic writing

Flóra Lili Donáti, Katherine Fraser & James Gray
At (the very) least: superlative modifiers, epistemic uncertainty, and preferred alternatives

Hamish Gillies
Investigating Japanese undergraduate L2 identity through a drama-based EFL course

Jim Hoskin and Paul Foulkes
Shifting the Burden: towards more robust and transparent procedures for LAAP

Yu Ting Hsieh & Yuwen Lai
How you say “thank you” matters: Grateful & Apologetic Gratitude Production and Perception of Mandarin Speakers

David Moore
Switch Reference in Arandic language varieties revisited

Isabel O'Keeffe
Celebrating diversity and multilingualism in the manyardi/kunborrk songs of northwestern Arnhem Land

Asako Otomo
An ethnopragmatic analysis of Japanese speech acts o/go-N-sama

Forrest Panther, Mark Harvey, Harold Koch, Myfany Turpin & Michael Proctor
The Minimal Word in Kaytetye

Karen Sullivan
The evolution of politeness marker -baa in Turubul

Lyn Tieu & Robert Pasternak
From gesture to sound: Experimental evidence for the projection of co-speech sound effects

Abhinan Wongkittiporn & Nirada Chitrakara
Control Constructions in Sports News

Books to be launched:

The Carthaginian North: Semitic influence on early Germanic A linguistic and cultural study
By Robert Mailhammer and Theo Vennemann

Murrinhpatha Morphology and Phonology
By John Mansfield

Difference and Repetition in Language Shift to a Creole: The Expression of Emotions
By Maïa Ponsonnet

Linguistic Intermarriage in Australia: Between Pride and Shame
By Hanna Irving Torsh

Australian English Reimagined: Structure, Features and Developments
Edited by Louisa Willoughby and Howard Manns

Thursday 12 December
9:00 - 9:30

Registration desk opens
29 Wally's Walk

9:30 - 10:30

Lisa Matthewson, The University of British Columbia 
Semantic diversity: Now you see it, now you don't
Location: T1 Theatre, 29 Wally's Walk

10:30 - 11:00

Location: MGSM

11:00 - 12:00

Parallel paper sessions

Stream 6: Sign, Gesture & Space
Location: Room 267, MGSM
Lauren Reed
A novel comparative method for young sign languages: Base comparison
Caroline De Dear
Place reference and pointing in Gija interaction

Stream 7
Location: Room 167, MGSM
Paola Escudero, Chrsitine Jones Diaz, Chloe Diskin &John Hajek
Needs and demands for classroom and community-based support for heritage language maintenance in Australia: Findings from a large-scale online survey
Ben Foley, Gautier Durantin, Alina Ajayan & Janet Wiles
Transcription Survey

Stream 8
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Hyunsu Kim
The use of quotation markers with regard to aspects of Korean and Japanese culture and society
Kimiko Tsukada, Kaori Idemaru & Misaki Kato
In search of acoustic cues to foreign accent in second language (L2) Japanese: A crosssectional study

Stream 9: Phonetics/Phonology
Location: Room 147, MGSM
Louise Ratko, Michael Proctor & Felicity Cox
The effect of vowel length on CVC syllables in Australian English
Catalina Torres
Challenges in the study of stress - The case of Drehu

12:00 - 13:00

Location: MGSM

13:00 - 16:30

Panel 3
Conversational narratives within small communities
organised by Lesley Stirling, Joe Blythe, Ilana Mushin and Rod Gardner
Location: Room 267, MGSM

13:00 - 13:35

Brief Welcome and intro by panel organisers
Barbara Kelly & Lucy Davidson

Weaving stories and talk in children’s Murrinhpatha

13:35 - 14:05

Lesley Stirling & CIARA team
Funny stories in multiparty conversation in remote Australian communities

14:05 - 14:35

Clair Hill
“We all talk one time”: Multiparty narration in Umpila and Kuuku Ya’u

14:35 - 15:00


15:00 - 15:30

Maria Karidakis
Small story and narrative positioning analysis of stories told by Interpreters of Aboriginal languages

15:30 - 16:00

Data session & general discussion 
Story for data sesson: 
Del's sister in Canberra


Panel 4
Linguistic diversity in Australian migrant families
organised by Loy Lising & Hanna Torsh
Location: Room 167, MGSM


Loy Lising & Hanna Torsh
Overview of the themed panel
Elizabeth Ellis
“It’s like the root of a tree that I grew up from….”: Parents’ linguistic identity shaping family language policy, far from a speech community.
Hanna Torsh
Perfect mismatch: Challenges of bilingual childrearing in linguistically intermarried couples
Van Tran, Sharynne McLeod, Cen Wang & Sarah Verdon
Factors affecting Vietnamese-Australian families’ home language practice and perceptions towards home language maintenance
Vera Williams Tetteh & Thembi Dube
Hidden oracies in Africa families in Australia
Loy Lising
20-minute Q&A
Shiva Motaghi-Tabari
Caught between home language and English: Children’s language attitudes and agency
Yining Wang
Heritage language maintenance of Chinese migrant children and their families
Antonia Rubino
The maintenance of dialects versus Italian in Italian migrant families
Kerry Taylor-Leech
Transnational identities and belonging: Exploring the home literacy practices of three bilingual immigrant families
15-minute Q&A lead by Loy Lising
Response from Discussant Ingrid Piller

13:00 - 14:30

Parallel sessions
Stream 10: Phonetics/Phonology in Australian Languages
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Jacqueline Cook
Salvage Phonology
Peter Nyhuis
Final velar deletion and gestural overlap in Wubuy
Mark Harvey, Robert Mailhammer, Michael Carne, Juqiang Chen & Clara
Stockigt Rhotics and Lenition in Arabana

Stream 11: Historical Linguistics
Location: Room 147, MGSM
Luca Ciucci
How historical data contribute to the understanding of endangered languages: the Old Zamuco dictionary by Ignace Chomé
Charbel El-Khaissi
A Case of Historical Grammatical Reanalysis: Aramaic
Lachlan Price, Stacey Sherwood & Robert Mailhammer
Social constraints on the distribution of ‘Dative Sickness’ in Icelandic

14:30 - 15:00

Location: MGSM

15:00 - 16:30

Parallel sessions
Stream 12: Language Processing
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Luisa Miceli, T. Mark Ellison, Alba Tuninetti, Paola Escudero & Niels Schiller
Doppel-Avoidance in Dominant Forms
Jan-Louis Kruger & Stephen Doherty
Language processing in dynamic multimodal texts: The case for subtitles in classroom videos
Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen & Brett Baker
The application of morphophonological rules comes with a processing cost

Stream 13: Language Revitalization
Location: Room 147, MGSM
Brandon Wiltshire & Steven Bird
Designing a Language Program to Serve Multiple Language Ideologies
Janette Thambyrajah
Listening to Wiradjuri voices. An exploration with the Wiradjuri community of the evolution of the use and development of Wiradjuri language materials

16:30 - 18:00

ALS Anual General Meeting  
Room 267, MGSM

19:00 - 20:30

Conference dinner (registration essential, please bring your ticket)
Butcher and the Farmer
10 Rothesay Ave, Meadowbank (transportation is provided, from Macquarie University to conference dinner venue)   

Friday 13 December
9:00 - 9:30

Registration desk opens
Location: 29 Wally's Walk

09:30 - 13:00

Panel 5
Grammatical Relations in Australian Language
Organised by Thomas Ennever & Mitchell Browne
Room 267, MGSM

9:30 - 10:00
Tom Ennever & Mitch Browne
Recent developments in grammatical relations and implications for Australia: theory, descriptions and typology
10:00 - 10:30
Tom Ennever & Mitch Browne
Non-canonical grammatical relations in Ngumpin-Yapa and neighbouring languages
10:30 - 11:00
James Bednall
Grammatical Relations in Anindilyakwa
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
Rachel Nordlinger
Grammatical relations in Murrinhpatha: an LFG approach
12:00 - 12:30
Mary Laughren
Representation of Grammatical Relations in Minimalism framework: Warlpiri and Kunbarlang case studies
12:30 - 13:00
Jane Simpson
Grammatical relations in Warlpiri and Warumungu (Semantic case)
09:30 - 11:00

Panel 6
Linguistic diversity as a challenge to legal policy
Organisers: Alexandra Grey, Laura Smith-Khan
Room 167, MGSM

Francis Markham, Denise Angelo, Cassandra Toscano, Julian R Murphy
The Hon Professor Peter Gray AM


Parallel sessions
Stream 14
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Peter Roger, Lynda Yates, Maria Dahm & John Cartmill
Managing the clinical interaction: An analysis of interactive framing
Sarah White
How patients talk about pain
Jinhyun Cho
‘Why can’t you just say yes or no?’: Interpreter-mediated cross-cultural communication

Stream 15
Location: Room 147, MGSM
Hugues Peters
The acquisition of the placement of postnominal adjectives in French as a foreign language
Rami Alhazmi
Rohingya’s Pronominal System
Qingxin Xu
Semantic variation in evaluative meaning making: discursive persona in family dispute resolution reality TV shows

11:00 - 11:30

Location: MGSM

11:30 - 13:00

Parallel sessions
Stream 16: Australian Languages
Location: Room 167, MGSM
John Mansfield
Aboriginal languages in the city
Joe Blythe, Jeannie Messer & Margaret Chi
Imparting the basics of Murrinhpatha classificatory Kinship
Maïa Ponsonnet & Kitty-Jean Laginha
My belly is angry and my throat is in love. A typology of bodybased emotion metaphors in Australian languages

Stream 17: Corpus Linguistics
Location: Room 248, MGSM
Jane Chanell
A Corpus-Based Study of N1-N2 Words in Archaic Chinese
Monika Bednarek
Redfern Now – a corpus linguistic analysis
Peter Collins, Xinyue Yao, Haidee Kotze, Adam Smith & Minna Korhonen
Diachronic register change: A corpus-based study of register change in Australian English from 1931 to 2006, with comparisons across British and American English

Stream 18
Location: Room 147, MGSM
Susi Afriani
Distinctive cultural-linguistic practices in Palembang Malay language in Indonesia
Cedar Brown
‘Out myself or misgender myself’: ideology and identity in pronoun sharing practices
John Rice-Whetton
Diatopic variation in the getpassive within Britain and Ireland

13:00 - 14:00

Location: MGSM

14:00 - 15:30

Two way linguistics: Working together for Indigenous Languages
Location: T1 Theatre, 29 Wally's Walk

Eleanor Dixon & Felicity Meakins, Mudurra Language Project
Sharon Edgar-jones,Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Cultural Co-op
Melinda Holden, First Languages Australia

Ilana Mushin, University of Queensland

* Schedule is subject to change

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