Scholarships & PrizesFunding and Support

The Australian Linguistic Society offers four Prizes and Scholarships to support linguistics research students: the Gerhardt Laves Scholarship, which covers fieldwork expenses for postgraduate researchers in Indigenous languages of Australia or its immediate region; the Susan Kaldor Scholarship, to support ALS student members to attend an international summer school or institute; the Michael Clyne Prize, for the best postgraduate research thesis in immigrant bilingualism and language contact, and the Jalwang Scholarship, which supports linguists to give back to the community by converting some of their research into materials of benefit to the language community. The Michael Clyne Prize is awarded jointly with the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.The ALS offers a range of schemes to support linguistics research, including research grants, scholarships and prizes, and as well as publication support and conference attendance support.

The ALS Research Grants scheme offers grants of up to $5,000 for research in any area of linguistics, and funds approximately five projects per year.
The Jalwang Scholarship supports linguists to give back to the community by converting some of their research into materials of benefit to the language community.
The Gerhardt Laves Scholarship contributes to fieldwork expenses for postgraduate student researchers in Indigenous languages of Australia or its immediate region.
The Susan Kaldor Scholarship supports ALS student members to attend an international summer school or institute.
The Michael Clyne Prize (awarded jointly with the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia) is awarded for the most outstanding postgraduate research thesis in immigrant bilingualism and language contact.
The Barb Kelly Prize is awarded for the most outstanding postgraduate research thesis in any area of linguistics.
The Publication Support Grants provide support for publication costs, with a priority given to open access costs.
The Indigenous Conference Attendance Support scheme assists Indigenous presenters to attend the ALS annual conference.
The Student Conference Attendance Support scheme assists ALS student presenters to attend the ALS conference.

Note: as a Not For Profit organisation, the ALS does not pay institutional Indirect Costs relating to funding it awards.

Barb Kelly Prize

In honour of the late Barb Kelly, the annual Barb Kelly Prize recognises the most outstanding PhD or MA (Research) thesis in linguistics, complementing the more specific focus of the Michael Clyne Prize. The thesis must have been passed or the degree awarded at an Australian university in the previous year.

The winner will be awarded a $1,000 cash prize and a contribution of up to $500 to cover costs (e.g. travel, accommodation, conference registration) for the recipient to attend the annual ALS conference to present a paper on their thesis research. The recipient will be guaranteed a place in the program at the conference. A summary of the thesis will be published in newsletters of both associations when the award is announced. The winner will be announced at the AGM of the society.

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Michael Clyne Prize (a joint ALS-ALAA award)

Previous Michael Clyne Prize winners

Following a very generous contribution by Michael Clyne and also funded by donations in Michael's honour, the annual Michael Clyne Prize was established in 2006 for the best PhD or MA (Research) thesis with a focus on some aspect of immigrant bilingualism and language contact. The thesis must have been passed or the degree awarded at an Australian university in the previous year. This Prize is jointly administered by the Australian Linguistic Society and the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.

The winner will be awarded a $1,000 cash prize and a contribution of up to $500 to cover costs (e.g. travel, accommodation, conference registration) for the recipient to attend either ALS or ALAA to present a paper on the research. The recipient will be guaranteed a place in the program at their chosen conference. A summary of the thesis will be published in newsletters of both associations when the award is announced. The winner will be announced at the AGMs of each society.

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Jalwang Scholarship

The 2024 Jalwang Scholarship grantees have now been announced. They are:

  • Katie Bicevskis for 'Marri Ngarr dictionary project'

Previous Jalwang Scholarship Grantees

The purpose of the award is to support linguists to give back to the community by converting some of their research into materials of benefit to the language speakers, for example by producing community materials in the language or engaging in language maintenance or revitalisation activities. The award aims at supporting researchers who have less access to funding and resources than established academics. This includes but is not limited to support for postgraduate students who would like to take time out from their degree-oriented research in order to develop community materials or other community-oriented outcomes during or after completion of the degree. Note: unsuccessful applicants for the Jalwang Scholarship will automatically be considered in the general grants round.

The name jalwang is the word for the currawong in the Yugambeh language of Southeast Queensland.

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Laves Scholarship

The 2024 Laves Scholarship grantees have now been announced. They are:

  • Shubo Li from Australian National University for 'Prominence patterns in Nakanamanga'

The Gerhardt Laves Scholarship assists honours or postgraduate research students enrolled at an Australian University who are undertaking linguistic fieldwork on an indigenous language of Australia or its immediate region as part of their research towards an Honours or postgraduate research degree by providing a research grant towards their fieldwork expenses. The Scholarship contributes up to around $5000 towards fieldwork expenses. Funds are normally expected to be fully expended within the year of award of the scholarship unless alternative arrangement are approved by ALS. Unsuccessful applicants for the Laves Scholarship will be automatically considered in the general grants round.

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Kaldor Scholarship

The 2024 Kaldor Scholarship grantees have now been announced. They are:

  • Madeleine Clews from The University of Western Australia for 'A Historical Sociolinguistic Study of Australian English'

In celebration of the contribution of Susan Kaldor to linguistics in Australia, the Susan Kaldor Scholarship provides funding of up to $2,500 to assist an ALS student member to attend an international institute, summer school or similar intensive course (for example the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute; the LOT Summer School (The Netherlands); etc). Funds are normally expected to be expended within the year of award of the scholarship.

Note: In view of covid-related conditions, applications will be considered for costs associated with attending an online institute or summer school, such as registration fees.

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Indigenous Conference Attendance Support Grant

The Indigenous Conference Attendance Support Grant has been awarded to 
Reuben Mellor, from Gambadul Aboriginal Corportion, for a paper entitled 'Genres of song to teach language and kinship for the Mayi and Mari in NSW' (with Jesse Hodgetts and Jayden Kitchener-Waters).

The ALS offers one grant of up to $800 per year to assist an Indigenous presenter to attend the ALS conference. 

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Rodney Huddleston Prize

The 2024 Rodney Huddleston Award has been announced. The winners are: 

  • Ilana Mushin, Joe Blythe, Josua Dahmen, Caroline de Dear, Rod Gardner, Francesco Possemato & Lesley Stirling for their article ‘Towards an interactional grammar of interjections: Expressing compassion in four Australian languages’ AJL 43(2), 158-189.

The annual Rodney Huddleston Prize is awarded to the best paper published in the previous year of the Australian Journal of Linguistics as judged by the members of the Australian Linguistics Society. The $1000 cash prize is generously funded by Taylor and Francis, the publishers of AJL, and is named after the journal’s first editor, Rodney Huddleston. The winner is announced at the ALS Annual General Meeting. 

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Student Conference Attendance Support Grant

The ALS offers one grant of up to $800 per year to assist a student presenter to attend the ALS conference.

The Student Conference Attendance Support Grant has been awarded to
Geordie Kidd, from University of Melbourne, for a paper entitled 'Verb excorporation in four Gunwinyguan languages' and

Eleanor Yacopetti, from Monash University, for her papers 'Patterns in Kune spatial reference strategies: Experimental findings in the context of language maintenance' (with Michelle Martin), and 'Finding the wei: Spatial functions of ‘directional’ marker wei across Kriol varieties and in contact' (with Connor Brown and Maïa Ponsonnet)

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Talkley Award

The Talkley Award celebrates the best piece or collection of linguistics communication produced in the previous year by current ALS members. The Award acknowledges that the discipline of linguistics needs champions to promote linguistics in the public sphere and explain how linguistic evidence can be used to solve real-life language problems. The winner is announced yearly at the ALS Annual General Meeting.

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