Selected papers from the 2007 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society
Edited by Timothy Jowan Curnow (University of South Australia)
ISBN: 978-0-9802815-2-1
The 2007 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society Conference was held at the University of Adelaide from 26 to 28 September 2007.
Not all papers presented at the conference were submitted for these proceedings; of the 12 papers submitted, only 9 were accepted for publication. The papers were anonymously peer-reviewed by at least two academic referees to DEST standards. Papers were required to meet the standard for publication in academic journals such as the Australian Journal of Linguistics, subject to a word limit commensurate with the length of conference presentations. The review process for the proceedings was separate from the review process for acceptance of abstracts for the actual conference presentations. Thanks to all of the people who acted as referees, and especially to Tony Liddicoat, who undertook the review process for my joint paper.
Papers from these proceedings should be referenced as:
Author(s)-of-paper. 2008. Title-of-paper. In Timothy Jowan Curnow (ed), Selected papers from the 2007 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society.
Note that there is no overall page numbering system for the proceedings as a whole: page numbering begins at 1 in each paper.
These proceedings were published in this final form on 19 December 2008.
The majority of these papers are 1-1.5Mb in size.