Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society
Edited by Christo Moskovsky
The 2003 Australian Linguistic Society Conference was held at the University of Newcastle from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 September 2003. The conference was hosted by the School of Language and Media.
We are pleased to present a selection of papers from the conference. The proceedings were edited by Christo Moskovsky and refereed to DEST standards by ALS members from around Australia and overseas. Thanks to all of the people who acted as referees. Their names appear at the end of this page.
Papers from these proceedings should be referenced as:
Author(s)-of-paper. 2004. Title-of-paper. In Christo Moskovsky (ed), Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society.
Note that there is no overall page numbering system for the proceedings as a whole: page numbering begins at 1 in each paper.
Not all papers presented at the conference were accepted for publication. These papers were anonymously peer-reviewed by at least two academic referees to DEST standards. Papers were required to meet the standard for publication in academic journals such as the Australian Journal of Linguistics, subject to a word limit commensurate with the length of conference presentations. The review process for the proceedings was separate from the review process for acceptance of abstracts for the actual conference presentations.
These proceedings were published in this final form on May 10, 2004.
The editor would like to acknowledge the work of the following people who agreed to act as referees:
Doug Absalom
Avery Andrews
Ludmila A'Beckett
Brett Baker
Anita Bergout
Kate Burridge
Peter Collins
Felicity Cox
Mark Donohue
Stefan Engelberg
Cliff Goddard
Mark Harvey
Mary Laughren
Alan Libert
Peter Peterson
Jane Warren
Kyung-Joo Yoon