Melbourne time |
ALS2022 Program Day 3
Friday December 2
University of Melbourne Parkville Campus - Old Arts |
08:30am-09:00am |
Conference registration - Old Arts, Outside Public Lecture Theatre |
09:00am |
Plenary 3 - Professor Alison Wray
Propositional Density: Oversimplicity? Anglocentricity? Or a way to predict Alzheimer’s? Presented remotely streamed in William Macmahon Ball Theatre, Room 107 |
10:00am |
Morning Tea - Old Arts, Arts Hall |
Parallel Thematic Sessions |
North Lecture Theatre, Room 239 |
Collaborative Learning Space 1, Room 263 |
South Lecture Theatre, Room 224 |
Collaborative Learning Space 2, Room 257 |
Chair: Kari Sullivan |
Chair: Giovanni Chun Long Ma |
Chair: Catherine Travis |
Chair: John Mansfield |
Semantics |
Pragmatics |
Sociophonetics |
Phonology of Australian languages |
10:30am |
Does Lack Lead to Want? An Analysis of the Nominal "Deprivative" in four Australian Languages
Grace Ephraums and Patrick Das |
Managing the sensitivity of utterances about absent others in Australian English multiparty conversation
Catherine Roberts |
Describing Aboriginal English vowels in Victoria
Debbie Loakes and Adele Gregory |
Phonologically-conditioned but non-optimising reduplicant shape in Wubuy
Peter Nyhuis |
11:00am |
Semantics of case markers hosted by NP predicates in Australian languages
Juliet Stanton |
Aesthetics and art discourse in Ganalbiŋu: a Western Yolŋu perspective
Haoyi Li |
Acoustic features of male Australian English speech differing in perceived sexual orientation
Timothy Shea, Joshua Penney, Andy Gibson, Anita Szakay and Felicity Cox |
Incipient initial dropping in Wubuy
Brett Baker and Mark Harvey |
11:30am |
Not happening yesterday: tense and modality interactions in Gu-jingaliya (Maningrida, NT)
David Felipe Guerrero-Beltran and Margaret Carew |
Stance taking Acts in Indonesian Presidential Addresses; A Political Discourse Analysis of Joko Widodo
Maslathif Dwi Purnomo |
Phonological and lexical conditioning of trap vowel length in communities of varying linguistic diversity
Conor Clements, Joshua Penney, Andy Gibson, Anita Szakay and Felicity Cox |
A statistical analysis of word-initial apical neutralisation in Warlmanpa
Mitchell Browne and Jayden Macklin-Cordes |
12:00pm |
Lunch - Old Arts, Arts Hall |
North Lecture Theatre, Room 239 |
Collaborative Learning Space 1, Room 263 |
South Lecture Theatre, Room 224 |
Collaborative Learning Space 2, Room 257 |
Chair: Mae Carroll |
Chair: Chloé Diskin |
Chair: Michael Walsh |
Syntax/Pragmatics/Phonology |
Sociolinguistics |
Australian languages |
1:00pm |
Referential choice in Murrinhpatha adults’ narrations
Giovanni Chun Long Ma |
“Getting a bit brahms” and “a roo short in the top paddock”: idiomatic expressions, rhyming slang and taboo in Australian English
Isabelle Burke, Howard Manns and Kate Burridge |
Language contact in Kune topological relations (Bininj Kunwok)
Eleanor Yacopetti |
1:30pm |
Verbs in possessor ascension alternation: the case of German
Ekaterina Levina |
To Have and To Be: Presentational Constructions in English
James Walker |
Non-contiguous coverb constructions in Wagiman
Daniel Krausse and Mark Harvey |
2:00pm |
Quantifying sonority sequencing in large typological databases
Ruihua Yin |
I feel like a change is on the way: Epistemic marking in Australian English
Heba Bou Orm and Catherine Travis |
Innovation and stability in contemporary Pitjantjatjara
Sasha Wilmoth |
2:30pm |
Afternoon Tea - Old Arts, Arts Hall |
3:00pm |
Plenary 4 - Professor Janet Fletcher
What ‘SMALL’ languages can tell us about INTONATIONAL typology
Old Arts, Public Lecture Theatre, Room 122 |
Conference close |