University of Melbourne Parkville Campus, Old Arts - Wurundjeri Country

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Melbourne time ALS2022 Program Day 3
Friday December 2
University of Melbourne Parkville Campus - Old Arts
08:30am-09:00am Conference registration - Old Arts, Outside Public Lecture Theatre
09:00am Plenary 3 - Professor Alison Wray
Propositional Density: Oversimplicity? Anglocentricity? Or a way to predict Alzheimer’s? Presented remotely streamed in William Macmahon Ball Theatre, Room 107
10:00am Morning Tea - Old Arts, Arts Hall
  Parallel Thematic Sessions
North Lecture Theatre, Room 239 Collaborative Learning Space 1, Room 263 South Lecture Theatre, Room 224 Collaborative Learning Space 2, Room 257
Chair: Kari Sullivan Chair: Giovanni Chun Long Ma Chair: Catherine Travis Chair: John Mansfield
Semantics Pragmatics Sociophonetics Phonology of Australian languages
10:30am Does Lack Lead to Want? An Analysis of the Nominal "Deprivative" in four Australian Languages
Grace Ephraums and Patrick Das
Managing the sensitivity of utterances about absent others in Australian English multiparty conversation
Catherine Roberts
Describing Aboriginal English vowels in Victoria
Debbie Loakes and Adele Gregory
Phonologically-conditioned but non-optimising reduplicant shape in Wubuy
Peter Nyhuis
11:00am Semantics of case markers hosted by NP predicates in Australian languages
Juliet Stanton
Aesthetics and art discourse in Ganalbiŋu: a Western Yolŋu perspective
Haoyi Li
Acoustic features of male Australian English speech differing in perceived sexual orientation
Timothy Shea, Joshua Penney, Andy Gibson, Anita Szakay and Felicity Cox
Incipient initial dropping in Wubuy
Brett Baker and Mark Harvey
11:30am Not happening yesterday: tense and modality interactions in Gu-jingaliya (Maningrida, NT)
David Felipe Guerrero-Beltran and Margaret Carew
Stance taking Acts in Indonesian Presidential Addresses; A Political Discourse Analysis of Joko Widodo
Maslathif Dwi Purnomo
Phonological and lexical conditioning of trap vowel length in communities of varying linguistic diversity
Conor Clements, Joshua Penney, Andy Gibson, Anita Szakay and Felicity Cox
A statistical analysis of word-initial apical neutralisation in Warlmanpa
Mitchell Browne and Jayden Macklin-Cordes
12:00pm Lunch - Old Arts, Arts Hall
  North Lecture Theatre, Room 239 Collaborative Learning Space 1, Room 263 South Lecture Theatre, Room 224 Collaborative Learning Space 2, Room 257
  Chair: Mae Carroll Chair: Chloé Diskin Chair: Michael Walsh
  Syntax/Pragmatics/Phonology Sociolinguistics Australian languages
1:00pm Referential choice in Murrinhpatha adults’ narrations
Giovanni Chun Long Ma
“Getting a bit brahms” and “a roo short in the top paddock”: idiomatic expressions, rhyming slang and taboo in Australian English
Isabelle Burke, Howard Manns and Kate Burridge
Language contact in Kune topological relations (Bininj Kunwok)
Eleanor Yacopetti
1:30pm   Verbs in possessor ascension alternation: the case of German
Ekaterina Levina
To Have and To Be: Presentational Constructions in English
James Walker
Non-contiguous coverb constructions in Wagiman
Daniel Krausse and Mark Harvey
2:00pm   Quantifying sonority sequencing in large typological databases
Ruihua Yin
I feel like a change is on the way: Epistemic marking in Australian English
Heba Bou Orm and Catherine Travis
Innovation and stability in contemporary Pitjantjatjara
Sasha Wilmoth
2:30pm Afternoon Tea - Old Arts, Arts Hall
3:00pm Plenary 4 - Professor Janet Fletcher
What ‘SMALL’ languages can tell us about INTONATIONAL typology
Old Arts, Public Lecture Theatre, Room 122
  Conference close

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