Sydney time |
ALS2023 Program Day 2, Thursday November 30
University of Sydney |
8:00 - 08:45 |
Registration: The Quad Lecture Theatre S223 |
8:45 - 9:45 |
Keynote: Generative Grammar and Historical Linguistics (Elly van Gelderen) - The Quad Lecture Theatre S223 |
9:45 - 10:15 |
Morning Tea: Holme Building Ground Floor Terrace (Science Rd) |
10:15 - 12:15 |
The Quad Refectory H1.13
Language Variation and Change - Australia (Themed session, Conveners James Walker, Catherine Travis & Celeste Rodriguez Louro)
Rhotacization in Beijing Chinese and the Principle of Accountability (Claire Jingyuan Ye)
Variability in intervocalic taps within words according to community diversity in Australian English (Felicity Cox & Joshua Penney)
The intersection of ethnicity and social class in language variation and change (Catherine Travis & Gan Qiao)
Soundin(g(k)) Greek in Melbourne (James Walker) |
The Quad Seminar Room 225
Australian languages, histories of documentation, description and revival (Themed Session, Convener James McElvenny)
Primitive Languages and the description of Aranda (David Moore)
Recording a language: why, how and when: a case study of the Warumungu language (Jane Simpson)
Barak and Howitt’s Wurundjeri-Woiwurrung kinship terminologies (Andrew Tanner)
T.G.H. Strehlow’s Arrernte grammar: The end of a Lutheran descriptive tradition (Clara Stockigt) |
The Quad Seminar Room S224
Chair: Simon Musgrave
Modelling Reduplicative Verb Semantics using Lexical Conceptual Structure (Geordie Kidd)
The conceptual semantics and lexicogrammar of the English verb “speak”, and why it matters for linguistics (Cliff Goddard)
An NSM approach to the zuò ‘sit’-constructions in Mandarin Chinese (Yuanmeng Liu)
Semantics of the Colexified ‘Father’ and ‘Paternal Uncle’ in China’s Daohua Creole: An NSM Approach (Wendi Xue) |
The Quad Seminar Room S227
Chair: Jayden Macklin-Cordes
Lenition, fortition, and lexical access in Iwaidja and Mawng (Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Robert Mailhammer, Brett Baker, Yizhou Wang, Chloe Turner & Mark Harvey)
Manner oppositions in Larrakia stops (Mark Harvey, Michael Proctor and Stacey Sherwood)
Kaytetye vowels re-revisited: Criteria for phonological analysis (Harold Koch)
Prosodic constituency in Wubuy (Peter Nyhuis) |
The Quad Seminar Room S204 (Oriental)
Second Language Acquisition
Chair: Ksenia Gnevsheva
Chinese EFL Speakers' Cognitive Construal & Morpho-syntactic Acquisition Of Pseudo-passive Construction (Yihang Zhong)
A Usage-Based Study of Preposition Pied-piping and Stranding: Effects of Phrasal Frequency and Collocational Strength (Henan Duan, Helen Zhao and Jonathon Lum)
Acquisition of the order of postnominal adjectives in L2 French by English speakers (Hugues Peters and Christopher Laenzlinger)
Attention & Awareness In L2 Academic Writing Process Of An Adult With Asperger Syndrome (Yihang Zhong) |
12:15 - 13:15 |
Lunch (not catered) /Discipline Heads meeting (The Quad Refectory H1.13) |
13:15 - 15:15 |
The Quad Seminar Room S249
Language Variation and Change - Australia (Themed session, Conveners James Walker, Catherine Travis & Celeste Rodriguez Louro)
Modelling codeswitching and borrowing: the status of English-origin nouns in Vietnamese among Vietnamese Australians (Hoa Do)
The calm in be like’s storm: Traditional frameworks alive in youth Aboriginal English (Celeste Rodriguez Louro, Matt Gardner, Glenys Dale Collard & Lucia Fraiese)
“of course it’s changed”, “it’s definitely changed”: Adverbs of evidentiality in Australian English (Benjamin Purser)
Matukar Panau Reference through spoken and gestural forms (Danielle Barth, Stefan Schnell & Kira Davey) |
The Quad Seminar Room 241
Australian languages, history of documentation, description and revival (Convener: James McElvenny)
Colonial science between Kleinstaaterei and the Word of God: The 1838 Lutheran mission to South Australia (James McElvenny)
Hermann Klaatsch and his linguistic research in Northwestern Australia (Corinna Erckenbrecht and William McGregor)
The kinship system of 'Wathi Wathi' (Stephen Morey and Brendan Kennedy)
Documentation and revival of Gamilaraay (John Giacon) |
John Woolley Building, Woolley Tutorial Room N208
Chair: Nick Enfield
Contextualising cardinals: The semantics of geocentric terms in Wik-Mungkan (Laurits Stapput Knudsen and Bill Palmer)
Egocentric spatial encoding in languages with no left and right (Bill Palmer)
Spatial frames of reference in Papuan languages (Bill Palmer)
Mediated Indexicalities – A Case Study from Australia (Monika Bednarek) |
John Woolley Building, Woolley Tutorial Room N384
Chair: Mark Harvey
Initial velar nasal deletion in Wubuy is sensitive to morphological information as well as prosodic phrasing (Brett Baker, Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen & Chloe Turner)
On the Morphology-Phonology Interface: Vowel Hiatus Resolution in Tsum (Naijing Liu)
An Overview of the Phonology of Nakanamanga (Shubo Li and Rosey Billington)
Acoustic and durational correlates of vowel length contrasts in Lelepa (Rosey Billington) |
John Woolley Building, Woolley Tutorial Room N401
Second Language Acquisition
Chair: TBC
Word-Ending -s Production Errors in Chinese and Japanese L2 Learners of English (Alex Cowan, Chelsea Harris, Kiwako Ito, Joshua Osborn and Avery Hardy)
L1 Chinese Speakers' Real-time Lexical-semantic Processing Of Chinese Neologisms Coined By English-speaking L2 Chinese Learners (Yihang Zhong)
The effect of phonetically variable input for overcoming fossilization in SLA: Training learners of French on gender pronouns (Kiwako Ito, Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan, Pauline Welby, Wynne Wong, Thierno Diallo, Bayley Hegerhorst Mahony and Madeleine Lock)
Predictors of Cross-dialectal Convergence in the English of Chinese L1 Speakers (Xiaozhu Liu and Ksenia Gnevsheva) |
15:15 - 15:45 |
Afternoon Tea: Holme Building Ground Floor Terrace (Science Rd) |
15:45 - 17:45 |
The Quad Refectory H1.13
Language Variation and Change - Australia (Themed session, Conveners James Walker, Catherine Travis & Celeste Rodriguez Louro)
Exploring vernacular reorganisation with pre-schoolers’ short front vowels (Joshua Wilson Black & Lynn Clark)
Change over the lifespan across covarying New Zealand English monophthongs (Elena Sheard & Joshua Wilson Black)
Assessing language-based discrimination in Australia: The effect of speaker accent and gender in employability judgments (Ksenia Gnevsheva, Catherine Travis & Heba Bou Orm)
Do Australians Hear Ethnicity? (James Walker, Debbie Loakes, Chloé Diskin-Holdaway, John Hajek & Janet Fletcher) |
The Quad Seminar Room 225
New Directions in Linguistics in the School Curriculum (Themed session, Conveners Clarence Green & Iain Giblin)
The role of linguistic terminology in the classroom and lingcomm: Authority and authenticity (Lauren Gawne & Jessica Kruk)
Syntax in the English classroom (Anna Stewart)
Supporting 'Sentence Combining' in K-12 Education (Iain Giblin and Clarence Green)
Invited talk: Challenges and benefits our outreach in public high schools (Joshua Penney, Felicity Cox, Macquarie University) |
The Quad Seminar Room S224
Chair: James Bednall
Using Optimality Theory to explain the right interpretation of left (Alice Gaby, Tom Poulton, Tom Ennever and Bill Palmer)
A Grammatical Sketch of Personal Pronouns, Numerals, Negation, and Tense in Hawrami (Nilima Mow and Nilima Mow)
Transverse-axis interpretation for undifferentiated expressions in English: Does it come in degrees (Kiwako Ito, Bill Palmer, Alex Thorpe and Elizabeth Walker)
Running while sitting: aspectual readings of asymmetric serial verb constructions in Gu-jingaliya (Maningrida, NT) (David Felipe Guerrero Beltran) |
The Quad Seminar Room S227
Chair: Zhengdao Ye
Reduplication in Southern Min (Yishan Huang)
Marking of Wenzhounese ideophones (Joseph Daley)
A Phonological Study on English Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese (Qiong Lu and Robert Mailhammer)
Multidimensional Encoding of Yinru Tone in Zhangzhou Southern Min (Yishan Huang) |
The Quad Seminar Room S204 (Oriental)
Language Contact
Chair: Felicity Meakins
An exploration of contact-induced TAM change phenomena in languages of the Sepik River area (Page Maitland)
Classical Arabic – Pashto Contact: An Onomasiological Phonological Perspective (Muhammad Kamal Khan)
Tipping the balance: tracing Irish English features in Settler Colonial English in Western Australia (Madeleine Clews)
Functions of Kriol to English Code-switching in Kriol Narratives (Nefeli Perdikouli, Maïa Ponsonnet & Luisa Miceli) |
18:00 - 19:00 |
Public Lecture: Inflection point: From a cognitive spark to astounding linguistic richness (Erich Round) - Edgeworth David Building, Old Geology Theatre |